AutoPore V 9610, Micromeritics
Available Penetrometers:
5 cc bulb: for powders, pellets, sheets and formed solids.
15 cc bulb: for bulkier samples.
Fees per analysis
/ Academic clients*
Fees per analysis
/ Industrial clients*
Fees for the 5 cc penetrometer:
1 to 4 samples: 150$/sample
5 to 9 samples: 145$/sample
10+ samples: 130$/sample
Fees for the 15 cc penetrometer:
1 to 4 samples: 210$/sample
5 to 9 samples: 205$/sample
10+ samples: 200$/sample
Fees for the 5 cc penetrometer:
1 to 4 samples: 250$/sample
5 to 9 samples: 245$/sample
10+ samples: 240$/sample
Fees for the 15 cc penetrometer:
1 to 4 samples: 280$/sample
5 to 9 samples: 275$/sample
10+ samples: 270$/sample
In order to be eligible for the discount, all samples must be submitted in one batch.
A sample cannot be reused for repeatability. For repeatability measurements, provide the number of samples in anticipation of the desired number of repetitions on the material.
The fees are for typical analyses. Fees for further data processing and analysis services are not included in the above list.
Sample Size:
Powdered and granular samples: provide 1 g of material.
Thin and sheet like samples: cut your sample in 4 × 1 cm pieces.
Formed solids and chunks:
5 cc bulb penetrometer : 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 m
15 cc bulb penetrometer : 15 mm × 15 mm × 15 mm
No training is allowed on the mercury porosimeter. Submit us your samples, a MAPLES operator will perform the analyzes.